Master in Plant Sciences


The Plant Sciences Master has access to an array of educational structures unique in France

Teaching laboratories in IJPB (Versailles) and IPS2 (Orsay) tailored for practical classes in cutting edge biology on the following subjects

Cours - TP à l'institut Jean-Pierre Bourgin
  • Functional analysis of genes
  • Metabolic biochemistry
  • Cell biology and imaging



Modern research equipment dedicated to students

  • Computing classrooms,
  • Binocular microscopes,
  • microscopes
  • PCR
  • Spectrophotometers
  • Microplate readers for fluorescence and luminescence
  • Laminar flow hoods
  • Controlled environment growth chambers for in vitro culture or plants in soil under different light conditions
  • Oxygen electrodes...

Privileged access to world-class technology platforms

These platforms provide training in cutting edge technologies: confocal microscopes, laser dissection microscope, electron microscope, the latest generation of sequencer, mass spectrometer, HPLC, LC-MS/MS, cell sorter, etc.

Access to the largest plant growth facilities for research in France

    • Greenhouses with S2 and S3 bio-safety levels 
    • Experimental plots
    • Automated phenotyping platform (See the video)


Conferences and seminars from world-wide specialists

See the SPS events

Modification date: 12 February 2024 | Publication date: 28 May 2013 | By: MM