Master in Plant Sciences
Project « Adopt a gene »

Project « Adopt a gene »

Université Paris-Saclay and Université Paris Cité common Teaching Unit



Jean-Denis FAURE (AgroParisTech – Université Paris-Saclay) and Christine LELANDAIS-BRIERE (Université Paris Cité).  


Good level of general Bachelor's Degree in Life Sciences, in molecular biology, genetics and genomics
Written, read and spoken English (level B1 or B2?)
Basics of bioinformatics (sequence analysis)


During this course, students will learn to

  1. search exhaustively and then synthesize the information available in public databases concerning the structure and function of a gene of interest (bibliographic data and genomic databases)
  2. use in a reasoned manner particular softwares allowing the analysis of nucleotide and protein sequences
  3. identify a relevant biological question from their synthesis
  4. to design a mini research project, intended to answer this biological question and to deepen the knowledge around the gene and its function.


The TU is organized as follows:
- Study of accession (Practicals, computer rooms, 21h)
- Basics of bioinformatics (Practicals, computer rooms, 12h)
- How to study a gene or a protein? Molecular biology methodologies (6h)
- Scientific formalism (Tutorials, 6h).

Mandatory TU
Lectures: 6h, Tutorials: 6h, Practicals: 36h
Location: Paris

Modification date: 12 February 2024 | Publication date: 20 November 2020 | By: MSA