Master in Plant Sciences
Housing information

Housing information

Master's courses take place on several sites and therefore require the use of public transport, your personal car or carpooling.

The main sites are:
Paris (AgroParisTech and Université de Paris), Versailles (INRAE / IJPB), Orsay (Paris-Saclay University / IPS2), Gif-sur-Yvette (CNRS / I2BC).

AgroParisTech housing

Students of the Plant Sciences Master enrolled in AgroParisTech can apply to student residences proposed by AgroParisTech in Paris or Massy.

More information:

Cité Universitaire Internationale de Paris / International University Campus of Paris

(Paris 14, RER B Cité Universitaire)

It welcomes more than 10,000 students of all nationalities.

More information:


Héberjeunes is an association that connects students from Ile de France (south of the Paris region: Essonne, Yvelines) and private individuals or professionals who own housing for rent.

Université Paris-Saclay
Le Moulin Bâtiment 311
91405 ORSAY
(The offices are located in the premises of the University Paris-Saclay,
near the gates at the campus entrance, building 311, ground floor)

Tel. : 01 69 15 65 44

Modification date: 12 February 2024 | Publication date: 15 July 2013 | By: MM